This collection of samples demonstrates copying file folder, printing and writing directly to local printer in Intel® Fortran using Windows* APIs.

For more information about Fortran I/O, see Intel® Fortran Compiler User and Reference Guide Fortran I/O

System Requirements

Minimum requirements include a PC based on an IA-32 or Intel® 64 architecture processor supporting the Intel® Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 (Intel® SSE2) instructions (Intel® Pentium® 4 processor or later, or compatible non-Intel processor), and supported versions of the Microsoft Windows* operating system, Microsoft Visual Studio*, and the Intel® Visual Fortran compiler. Refer to the Intel® Parallel Studio XE product Release Notes for details on the complete system requirements.

Build Instructions

Expand the ZIP file to a writable directory of your choice. The collection can be built using the command-line build script build.bat file that is provided for the collection. The build.bat file accepts an optional command-line argument from the following list:

Alternatively, refer to the individual readme.html file included with each individual sample for information about building and executing the sample using either the Microsoft Visual Studio* solution or command-line build script build.bat file included with each individual sample.


This collection includes the following samples - refer to the readme.html in each subfolder for further details:


Demonstrates use of the Win32 APIs for copying a file folder. Also shows the use of Fortran recursion.


Demonstrates use of Fortran for printing text files on a Windows printer.


Demonstrates use of the Win32 APIs writing directly to a Windows printer.